Meet Terence Sternberg, Esq. with Law Office of Terence M . Sternberg

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A lover of the English language. A voracious reader of historical knowledge. A fierce litigator. Terence “Terry” Sternberg has made a name for himself in and out of the courtroom.

Terry’s path into law is an interesting one. One that was partly born out of the search for an intellectual challenge. Working in many different 9-to-5 jobs, Terry wanted more out of life and was searching for knowledge. He entered a paralegal program at UCLA and learned that he could test his way into law school. He took his LSAT’s, scored highly, and was admitted into law school. With his law degree and his gift of debate, Terry went on to become a litigator in a couple of firms. Knowing what he was capable of, he set out on his own and let’s just say the rest is history.

What kind of law does he practice? What book is he reading? How did Covid change the landscape of the legal system?

CLICK HERE for more information about Terry Sternberg.

CLICK HERE for more information about Law Office of Terence M . Sternberg.

Listen to Terry’s story here.



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Jerri Hemsworth 0:00 
I’m from Los Angeles. This is the Echelon radio network

This is Jerri Hemsworth. And this is the Echelon Radio Podcast. I am absolutely thrilled today because Terry Sternberg is sitting across the way from me,

Terence Sternberg 0:24 
you have a low, low threshold.

Jerri Hemsworth 0:29 
And not only is he one of my dear friends and colleagues I, I’ve learned a lot from Terry, but he humors me on a regular basis. And I think I might humor him, but I’m not quite sure

Terence Sternberg 0:43 
You do.

Jerri Hemsworth 0:44 
You sure?

Terence Sternberg 0:46 
Well, I checked with myself and the answer is still yes.

Jerri Hemsworth 0:50 
But, Terence, your formal name, what do you do?

Terence Sternberg 0:56 
I’m a lawyer, because California is so bereft of lawyers. I thought it needed one more.

Jerri Hemsworth 1:01 
It did need one more. But what type of lawyer Are you?

Terence Sternberg 1:04 
Litigation, specifically, real estate disputes, and disputes arising out of trusts.

Jerri Hemsworth 1:10 
Trusts and estates and all that good stuff.

Terence Sternberg 1:10 
Those things, yeah.

Jerri Hemsworth 1:10 
Have you always been a litigator?

Terence Sternberg 1:11 

Jerri Hemsworth 1:11 
Since the since you got out of law school? Oh,

Terence Sternberg 1:22 
Yes. I thought that’s what I wanted to be. I grew up watching things like E.G. Martial and the Defenders on television. And it seemed like you were fighting the good fight against evil. And so yeah,that’s what I always wanted to do.

Jerri Hemsworth 1:35 
Did you have to have a, did you like arguing or proving points? Or was that just something you naturally knew how to do? Or you had to really train to do that?

Terence Sternberg 1:47 
A, B, and C.

Jerri Hemsworth 1:50 
Do it more effectively. Were you an argumentative kid?

Terence Sternberg 1:55 
I, you know, I never thought of it as argumentative and I think that’s kind of a slanderous characterization. I like to think of it as debating.

Jerri Hemsworth 2:01 
Debatable. Okay. All right. All right. You like to debate?

Terence Sternberg 2:05 

Jerri Hemsworth 2:07 
I bet your parents love that.

Terence Sternberg 2:12 
Well, given that I was raising, raised in a conservative Jewish household, the notion that it would be a lawyer was pretty good one for them.

Jerri Hemsworth 2:20 
Right. Well, where are you? You have brothers?

Terence Sternberg 2:23 

Jerri Hemsworth 2:24 
Where, how many brothers? Were you?

Terence Sternberg 2:26 
Three grew up with, one has passed.

Jerri Hemsworth 2:28 

Terence Sternberg 2:29 
One is in Tokyo and is in marketing. And one is retired to, ready for this? Walla Walla, Washington.

Jerri Hemsworth 2:38 
Oh, interesting. I know. That’s the interesting one. Interesting stories

Terence Sternberg 2:44 
Interesting as one way to describe it.

Jerri Hemsworth 2:46 
Yes, yes. Well, where are you in the pecking order? Where are you in the birth order of the Sternbergs.

Terence Sternberg 2:52 
That requires some explanation. I’ll try to make a quick. I was number three. But number four didn’t show up until I was nine. So I really got raised as the baby of the family.

Jerri Hemsworth 3:01 
Oh, really?

Terence Sternberg 3:01 

Jerri Hemsworth 3:02 
I didn’t realize that.

Terence Sternberg 3:03 
Yeah. And then he came along, and we were all his three older brothers were out of the house. So he was raised kind of like a first and only child.

Jerri Hemsworth 3:10 
Right. Right. Did you always want to be a lawyer?

Terence Sternberg 3:15 
Boy, I don’t remember wanting to be anything else any sooner than that. So I guess I have to say yes.

Jerri Hemsworth 3:20 
What did you do when you were in? Well, let me back up a sec. Where do you go to college? This is great. This is listener. This is really good.

Terence Sternberg 3:34 
Now that you’ve teed that cream puff up.

Jerri Hemsworth 3:36 
Yeah. Yes.

Terence Sternberg 3:37 
I didn’t. Funny you should ask. I didn’t. I had an adventurous late teen life. I was married and had a child. Two weeks after I turned 19 and a second child about a month after I turned 20. And getting a job was more important to getting an education and college dropped out before completing my first semester. Shall I go on?

Jerri Hemsworth 4:01 

Terence Sternberg 4:02 
Okay. So I thought, well, this is okay. I can do a nine to five and have my kids and I’ll be okay. And then I started to lose my mind.

Jerri Hemsworth 4:10 
Where were you working?

Terence Sternberg 4:14 
Not, I’m not making this up. I sold photocopy supplies. I sold insurance. I got licensed by MetLife at 18.

Jerri Hemsworth 4:23 

Terence Sternberg 4:24 
I worked as a file clerk at Arthur Andersen.

Jerri Hemsworth 4:27 
Yeah, sure.

Terence Sternberg 4:28 
I worked in electrical parts warehouse. And my last job before heading off to law school was a manager trainee and Thrifty’s.

Jerri Hemsworth 4:36 

Terence Sternberg 4:38 
Pretty good. Pretty good stuff. If you want a legal career, right?

Jerri Hemsworth 4:41 
Yeah. That teed you up really nicely for law school. What made you go to law school.

Terence Sternberg 4:46 
I was losing my mind working in those jobs. There was no intellectual challenge to them. I could not see doing that forever. I was quickly disabused of the notion that would be okay. And my my then wife learned that there was a paralegal program being offered at UCLA, brand new concept. It was only the second program they offered. And I thought, well, that’s a way to get into a law office at least right? I signed up for that. I took the test, they had a an entrance test. And I was the only one out of 48 students that didn’t have a degree that they let into the program. Somewhere along the line, and the mists of memory escaped me exactly. But somewhere along the line, I learned that you could test your way into law school.

Jerri Hemsworth 5:40 

Terence Sternberg 5:41 
And I think I think that is still there, I think.

Jerri Hemsworth 5:44 

Terence Sternberg 5:45 
There’s somebody recently did it. So I sat first for a college equivalency test, in order to be able to sit for the LSAT.

Jerri Hemsworth 5:57 

Terence Sternberg 5:58 
I took the college equivalency, and I don’t know today, Jerry, whether it’s pass fail, or you had to get a certain score, whatever it was, I cleared the bar. And then they let me set for the LSAT. And I scored in the 90 percentile on the LSAT. So they let me in as a special student.

Jerri Hemsworth 6:17 
Special. You are special.

Terence Sternberg 6:19 
Well, that’s what my mother always said. I had to take a baby bar a first year law student.

Jerri Hemsworth 6:26 

Terence Sternberg 6:26 

Jerri Hemsworth 6:26 
Oh, cool.

Terence Sternberg 6:27 

Jerri Hemsworth 6:30 
Just to make sure you were getting it?

Terence Sternberg 6:33 
Three three basic core classes. They wanted to know that you were on track.

Jerri Hemsworth 6:38 
And that you weren’t going to let them down. Little did they know.

Terence Sternberg 6:43 
I don’t know that they took that personally.

Jerri Hemsworth 6:45 

Terence Sternberg 6:46 
But at the end of my first year, I had to set for the Baby bar. I passed that on my first take and then the rest of my career was normal in the sense that I was simply one of those law students going into law school at night.

Jerri Hemsworth 6:58 
Yeah, yeah. Well did you grow, how, did you know a lawyer growing up? How did you know? Oh, it’s it’s law. I gotta go to law.

Terence Sternberg 7:08 
You know, honest to goodness, I wasn’t really being entirely facetious when I said, television.

Jerri Hemsworth 7:13 

Terence Sternberg 7:13 
Or maybe I saw some movies about lawyers, you know?

Jerri Hemsworth 7:17 
Well, I knew I wanted advertising because of bewitched. And, and her husband. You know, Darren Stevens was in advertising seriously. I mean, so we have a little something in common there. You know, because of what we saw on TV. But that’s fascinating. So where did you, you finish law school, you’ve got a young family, where did you, what firm, or what type of law did you get into right away?

Terence Sternberg 7:41 

Jerri Hemsworth 7:42 
Just straight up? But was it trust in estates or was it all different kinds?

Terence Sternberg 7:46 
No, no my first job is ’79 was with a sole practitioner, a young lawyer who had been at O’Melveny and Myers and left and opened up his own shop, he was a, he was from Hong Kong. And you if you may remember, in the late 70s, through the early 80s, a lot of wealthy well educated Hong Kong residents were fleeing in anticipation of the Chinese takeover. When the British protector I think it was was going to expire. So John was a very bright guy, John Chang. And he brought me on board as a litigator, and then, I’m trying to remember why I left John’s firm, I don’t remember but I went to another firm where I litigated. And there I had some conflict with one of the partners.

Jerri Hemsworth 8:05 

Terence Sternberg 8:08 
Uh-oh, and thought, what the hell, I’m gonna go out on my own I can do this.

Jerri Hemsworth 8:48 
And hence, Law Offices of Terence M. Sternberg

Terence Sternberg 8:53 
The good thing about that as nobody else has that name.

Jerri Hemsworth 8:56 
No, and only with one R and Terence.

Terence Sternberg 8:58 

Jerri Hemsworth 9:00 
Yeah, it is very good.

Terence Sternberg 9:01 
So that wasn’t a rocky road at the start.

Jerri Hemsworth 9:03 
So you’re on your own and you’re litigating. It’s very interesting, because when I think of a litigator in my own non legal brain, I think of somebody who likes to argue, debate, but at a loud tone. And that is the last thing you have is a loud tone. Would you agree?

Terence Sternberg 9:33 
Are we talking about throughout the 43 years, or at some point.

Jerri Hemsworth 9:38 
At some point. Did you have a loud voice? Did you get loud in the courtroom at all?

Terence Sternberg 9:42 
Oh, I didn’t get loud in the courtroom. No, I didn’t think that was a winning style for the most part. But if you wanted to go mono a mono over some sort of dispute, I was more than willing to meet you.

Jerri Hemsworth 9:57 
You could you could get turn the decibel up.

Terence Sternberg 9:59 
Yep. Yep. But then at some point, if you’re maturing a little bit, at least, you come to at least for me, honestly, I came to realize that a lot of lawyers, and I don’t think it’s limited to this town, I suspect is universal, or testosterone driven people. And if you want to start raising the temperature, most people will go up with you as far as you want to go. That’s a lot of energy. That’s a lot of wasted time. That’s not very constructive. So I began to practice staying on even keel, isn’t to say that people can’t, haven’t been able to get me going at all. But I dialed it back. And what I found is that if you’re staying with the issue, and not getting personal, and staying calm, you might get somewhere. And you’re really doing the client’s business. Otherwise, you’re just stroking yourself. Pardon my euphemism there?

Jerri Hemsworth 11:03 

Terence Sternberg 11:05 
But, and what happens is, if you stay at it even keel, the other attorney continues to yell. Eventually, they seem like they’re out on a branch by themselves and looking pretty silly.

Jerri Hemsworth 11:17 

Terence Sternberg 11:18 
So that’s my objective. That’s my goal these days and has been for a long time.

Jerri Hemsworth 11:22 
Was that a technique that you learned? Or you just intuitively had that?

Terence Sternberg 11:27 
Kind of put things together I guess.

Jerri Hemsworth 11:29 
Yeah. Because that’s it’s, it’s, I thank God have never been in the courtroom facing you, against it, and my vision of you is, you win with words. You win because you have an absolute love of the English language.

Terence Sternberg 11:58 
Thank you.

Jerri Hemsworth 11:59 
I think that’s yeah, you amaze me, you You are the one person that makes me want to be better with my language. And using it properly, and in the right way. Where did that come from? For me, for you?

Terence Sternberg 12:21 
From the moment I learned how to read, I was a voracious reader. I still am,

Jerri Hemsworth 12:25 
Even as a little kid?

Terence Sternberg 12:26 
Even as a little kid.

Jerri Hemsworth 12:27 
Really? Were you one of those kids that mom had to say, “Terry, go outside and play put the book down.”

Terence Sternberg 12:34 
No, I didn’t get that extreme. I had my share of going outside and playing with the kids on the block. But I loved writing. Always.

Jerri Hemsworth 12:43 
And was it everything as a kid or is it has it? What were your favorite topics as a kid because I know what they are now.

Terence Sternberg 12:50 
That’s funny. You know, I can’t, I was a member of the book of the Random House before it was a club.

Jerri Hemsworth 12:55 
Yes, it was double day.

Terence Sternberg 12:57 
I think that was mostly nonfiction, though. I’m not certain of that. But certainly, as I’ve grown older, almost everything I read, with very few exceptions is nonfiction.

Jerri Hemsworth 13:08 
Yeah. And your favorite type of nonfiction right now. What would you classify it as?

Terence Sternberg 13:17 

Jerri Hemsworth 13:17 

Terence Sternberg 13:18 
I mean, right now I’m reading The Rise and the Fall of the Third Reich. Which is just endlessly fascinating, especially, I don’t want to get too political here. But especially with what’s going on in the world today. Some of the parallels you can see are our take you aback.

Jerri Hemsworth 13:36 
Wow, and how many books do you read? A week? a month? Where are you at?

Terence Sternberg 13:45 
Probably a half a dozen a year?

Jerri Hemsworth 13:48 
Half a dozen a year? Oh, wow. But those are thick books, man, that

Terence Sternberg 13:53 
Current book is 1100 pages. And here’s the problem with a book. Why the hell they didn’t break that into two volumes, I don’t know. But But even though I go to the gym regularly, it’s really hard to hold.

Jerri Hemsworth 14:09 
I was going to say like.

Terence Sternberg 14:11 
1100 page book laying in bed. It’s just hard.

Jerri Hemsworth 14:15 
Is it paperback or hardbound?

Terence Sternberg 14:17 

Jerri Hemsworth 14:18 
Do you do even entertain paperback books?

Terence Sternberg 14:21 
No. Don’t ask me why.

Jerri Hemsworth 14:25 
Don’t insult me.

Terence Sternberg 14:27 
Odd story. I remember reading as good a Jefferson biography. And I remember recounted to how devastated he was when there was a fire at Monticello in his library burned down. And somehow that always struck me so now I kind of love being surrounded by my hardbacks, but on the other hand, books should be read. And after I read them and I was sitting on the chair on the shelf, they’re not likely to get read again.

Jerri Hemsworth 14:53 
Well, that was what I was going to ask you do you do you donate? Yeah. Or do you have a very nice collection that just keeps building.

Terence Sternberg 15:00 
Youknow, I haven’t been so focused on collecting with friends who have particular interest, I give them a book. And with books that don’t fit that category in order to clear more shelf space. I donate.

Jerri Hemsworth 15:14 
How do you feel about first editions?

Terence Sternberg 15:17 
That’s a big thing to me. I don’t know why I have that hang up, that ardcover perversion. I don’t. I don’t know where it comes from why I have it. But it’s there. And I deal with it.

Jerri Hemsworth 15:28 
Yeah. But first editions. You’re not You’re not a collector?

Terence Sternberg 15:32 
No, but I do have. I think it’s called Blind Ambition. It was a book written by John Dean, the White House lawyer for Nixon.

Jerri Hemsworth 15:43 

Terence Sternberg 15:43 
And it’s autograph.

Jerri Hemsworth 15:45 

Terence Sternberg 15:45 
So there.

Jerri Hemsworth 15:46 
So that you’re not giving away?

Terence Sternberg 15:48 
No, I’m not sure who I’m giving it to when I’m done. But I’m not giving it away now.

Jerri Hemsworth 15:52 
That’s a good one. I like that. Um, you have grandchildren.

Terence Sternberg 15:58 
All over the place.

Jerri Hemsworth 15:59 
All over the place. And some you don’t even know about no.

Terence Sternberg 16:05 
That’s why I’m not doing one of those damn tests. Thank you.

Jerri Hemsworth 16:08 
No DNA test here. Thank you. I don’t need any popping up.

Terence Sternberg 16:15 
When we’re offline I have to tell you a story about somebody who called me for legal advice just the other day.

Jerri Hemsworth 16:20 

Terence Sternberg 16:21 
Not for podcasts.

Jerri Hemsworth 16:23 
Not for podcasts.

Terence Sternberg 16:24 
But if you know, Jerri, you can ask her later on, she’ll probably tell you.

Jerri Hemsworth 16:27 
There you go. And God knows I will tell you. How do you get your your clients these days? Where do they do you get referred by other attorneys?

Terence Sternberg 16:41 

Jerri Hemsworth 16:41 
I mean, they don’t normally just call you up and say, Oh, God, I gotta go to court help me.

Terence Sternberg 16:47 
No, okay, Jerri, I got a seller in last several weeks, I got a call from somebody who was scheduled for trial on something like November 9th. I’m not up to that kind of undertaking at the moment. So I sent them send them elsewhere. But ya know, it’s it’s still referrals after all these years.

Jerri Hemsworth 17:03 
And can you tell us one of the most bizarre clients or cases that you litigated?

Terence Sternberg 17:12 
Well, the one that one of the ones that I’m working on presently, is odd as hell. The descendant squirreled away money at epic proportions.

Jerri Hemsworth 17:26 

Terence Sternberg 17:27 
Well, let me tell you, and then you tell me if you think it’s epic.

Jerri Hemsworth 17:31 

Terence Sternberg 17:31 
There are three safe deposit boxes, each of which have a quarter of a million in cash.

Jerri Hemsworth 17:36 
In cash?

Terence Sternberg 17:36 
In cash. Several years back, he had a million-four stolen, in cash, stolen out of the trunk of his Rolls Royce.

Jerri Hemsworth 17:48 
Well, were they in grocery bags? What the hell in duffel bags? What?

Terence Sternberg 17:53 
I’m not sure about the back of the Rolls Royce. I think it was just laying underneath something and it was covering it like a tarp. And then there was reputed to be 7 million in cash in another safe deposit box, we got into that one got we got it open ended only had three and a half million.

Jerri Hemsworth 18:16 
So it was half of what was reported

Terence Sternberg 18:19 
But still, that’s three and a half plus 750 plus the million four

Jerri Hemsworth 18:23 
Were these in $100 bills?

Terence Sternberg 18:25 

Jerri Hemsworth 18:26 
That’s a lot of paper.

Terence Sternberg 18:27 
Almost entirely. There might have been some 50s.

Jerri Hemsworth 18:29 
That’s a shitload of paper. I mean, how big are the safe deposit boxes?

Terence Sternberg 18:35 
Well, the quarter of a million boxes are the standard size. The audience can’t see. But um, you know, like three inches tall, 10 inches wide, however deep they are. Three of them are that big. The mothership has it is in a safe deposit box that’s something like 15 inches wide and 42 tall. I think there’s only one of them in the bank. And I’m not sure how many other banks even have them.

Jerri Hemsworth 19:02 
Was there, was there any discussion as to why he was squirreling so much away and just different places?

Terence Sternberg 19:12 
He was a very odd duck in several ways. My understanding is he grew up at poverty’s door and was always afraid of being without. Got your hands on your cash you’re okay, at least that far. House can burn dow, and car can crash and whatever. But yeah, cash is there.

Jerri Hemsworth 19:36 
My God. But then what, did he change his ways after the cash was stolen out of that Rolls Royce?

Terence Sternberg 19:42 
Why would he do that? I don’t know that they like far as I’m aware, they didn’t thereafter, he didn’t thereafter store money in the trunk of his car. Oh I left out, there was a safe at his office that, not too long before he died was reputed to have $350,000 in it. So, that’s an odd.

Jerri Hemsworth 19:51 
That’s a very odd one. Yeah. And, and to try and dig into the mentality and the thought process of somebody like that must be fascinating.

Terence Sternberg 20:20 
And that’s actually what I liked most about the laws figuring out the missing piece of the puzzle or going through 1000s of pages and finding the “aha” page.

Jerri Hemsworth 20:30 
How long does it take on, on average? A case comes to you, you’ve got research to do. I mean, what is the average length of a case for you? I know it varies.

Terence Sternberg 20:43 

Jerri Hemsworth 20:44 

Terence Sternberg 20:47 
It varies tremendously. Probate cases move at a much slower pace, typically, than many others. We had a situation back in the mid 80s, where cases were taking longer than five years to get to trial.

Jerri Hemsworth 21:06 
Oh my gosh

Terence Sternberg 21:07 
You would go downtown for a trial. And they had this huge courtroom like a special occasion courtroom. And there would be scores of lawyers waiting for a trial court room to open up. They would rent you at one point they started renting beepers, you remember those?

Jerri Hemsworth 21:27 
Yeah. beepers, pagers.

Terence Sternberg 21:29 
Pagers. They would rent, the LA County Bar had a program you’d rent a pager, you had to be within an hour of the court once you got called. And that way you didn’t have to sit downtown all day waiting for a court room.

Jerri Hemsworth 21:40 
There’s a concept. Yeah, okay. Go have some lunch.

Terence Sternberg 21:43 
Somebody got the idea that that was not a good idea, a good situation. So laws were passed that tightened up the process. And we started to get to a point where for the most part cases were getting resolved within a year or so. Okay. Then COVID.

Jerri Hemsworth 22:00 

Terence Sternberg 22:01 
Whoopsie. Exactly. It used to be when we were down to about a year or so. You really had to have good excuse to get a continuance. Before that, hey, I’m feeling like ita continuance. What are you saying you get one? A continuance is generally much easier to get these days.

Jerri Hemsworth 22:18 
Wow. And drags it out longer and longer.

Terence Sternberg 22:22 
And what do they say justice delayed is justice denied.

Jerri Hemsworth 22:30 
Crap. Yeah. So yeah, I get it. You we, I danced past your your grandchildren. How many grandchildren do you have?

Terence Sternberg 22:40 
I have three.

Jerri Hemsworth 22:41 

Terence Sternberg 22:42 

Jerri Hemsworth 22:42 
At what ages?

Terence Sternberg 22:46 
18, 16 going to be 17 on Halloween, and 12. Two boys and a girl.

Jerri Hemsworth 22:53 
And you have four children?

Terence Sternberg 22:56 
Two boys, two girls.

Jerri Hemsworth 22:57 
Two boys, two girls. And what is your favorite thing to do with your kids and your grandkids these days?

Terence Sternberg 23:05 
You know, I’m at a point now we’re watching them interact, hearing their stories. Just being an observer around them is enormously rewarding.

Jerri Hemsworth 23:17 
Are any of them lovers of the English language? Like you or avid readers?

Terence Sternberg 23:22 
They’re a couple of generations behind me. Did did you say Tik Tok?

Jerri Hemsworth 23:29 
Oh, that’s right.

Terence Sternberg 23:31 
Did you say YouTube?

Jerri Hemsworth 23:33 
That’s right! Video motion, Motion Pictures.

Terence Sternberg 23:40 
Growing more and more relevant each day as as platforms come and go and develop and,

Jerri Hemsworth 23:45 
But you know what? You never know that they they Trends tend to swing back around and hit you on the backside of the head.

Terence Sternberg 23:53 
Do you think this one’s coming back?

Jerri Hemsworth 23:54 
I do. Because I think there’s going to be perhaps one of your grandchildren will will identify and get that bug.

Terence Sternberg 24:07 
You know, I was with him just this past weekend. Although we’re on Friday again, but the last weekend I was with a kid and neither of the boys. I didn’t ask the girl. I mean, she was only 12. But neither of the boys have the slightest idea what they might like to do, nothing.

Jerri Hemsworth 24:27 
That’s probably the generation. I mean, I don’t even it’s tough even when they get go through school. I don’t think they really even know what they want to do.

Terence Sternberg 24:37 
Well, it seems to me. Like there has always been technological development. If you’re if your father manufactures buggy whips at one time, you were very well to do.

Jerri Hemsworth 24:48 

Terence Sternberg 24:49 
Not so much anymore.

Jerri Hemsworth 24:50 

Terence Sternberg 24:51 
But it seems as though careers come and go and change at a faster clip today than they did.

Jerri Hemsworth 25:00 

Terence Sternberg 25:00 
And I don’t know if that’s part of the problem or not. And the definition of jobs and the definition of working at your job, or the parameters seem to be moving pretty quickly. So it seems to me that as I grew up, you’re you know, and, and chief of railroad man, or a sheriff or something like that, yeah, there was this, like, kind of world into what you might want to go. And professionally, CPA, lawyer, doctor. You’ve got many more kinds of PhDs out there, and many more kinds of industries. And I suppose I could see that it would make it more difficult to know what you want to do. Their dad has the dad markets wellness programs, to employers, and does quite well with,

Jerri Hemsworth 25:59 
Your grandkids Dad. Yeah?

Terence Sternberg 26:00 
Yes. I’m sorry, thank you. And he also has holistic clinics, that he markets, I haven’t heard either of the kids or any suggestion that they might want to go into that as I think they might want to, their mother is also a lawyer, so two lawyers hanging around. But whether they look at us and want to emulate us, I’m not quite sure.

Jerri Hemsworth 26:30 
Well, I wonder how often kids these days actually get taken to work on a regular basis with one or both of their parents to experience what their parents do, and to determine whether they like it or not.

Terence Sternberg 26:45 
I don’t know, I don’t think that much happens in the legal profession.

Jerri Hemsworth 26:49 
Right. Right. Whereas when we were kids, I’m sure when you were, you know, a kid, you you worked, you helped your dad, you helped your parents with whatever they did.

Terence Sternberg 27:00 
Yeah, my dad had his own business. And I worked there.

Jerri Hemsworth 27:03 
Yeah. And I think, at least you learned what you didn’t want to do long term. And I experienced it with my own daughter with having grown up here and is now in advertising. She’s in marketing, and that was not what I had thought she would do. So I thought she’d be a lawyer or, you know, work for a nonprofit or go into public policy or something.

Terence Sternberg 27:32 
Well go outside, fall on your knees and thank your lucky stars.

Jerri Hemsworth 27:35 
My kids, not a lawyer?

Terence Sternberg 27:37 

Jerri Hemsworth 27:40 
On that note, Tery Sternberg thank you for being with me today.

Terence Sternberg 27:45 
Thank you for having me.

Jerri Hemsworth 27:47 
And I will go out and I will drop to my knees and thank God that you are my friend and my colleague. So thank you.

Terence Sternberg 27:56 
Thanks Jerri. Take care.

Announcer 28:07 
Presented by Echelon business development, more than just networking, way more

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Delivering efficient and effective Trust, Real Estate and Business Litigation counsel - from case filing to judgment - for more than 30 years.

As CEO and Creative Director at Newman Grace, Jerri leads one of Los Angeles’ most respected marketing firm and brand communication firms. Newman Grace has been providing marketing, brand and advertising consulting, graphic design, and social media services to growing companies since 1996. Newman Grace serves the professional services, manufacturing, sports, publishing and non-profit markets. Jerri is an adjunct professor in the School of Media, Culture and Design at Woodbury University. She is also a co-founder of Echelon Business Development Network. Learn more about Jerri here at Newman Grace.